Hash methods
Given an array of bytes, returns the resulting sha256 hash.
fn sha256(_input : [u8]) -> [u8; 32]
fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149] // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::sha256(x);
This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.
Given an array of bytes, returns an array with the Blake2 hash
fn blake2s(_input : [u8]) -> [u8; 32]
fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149] // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::blake2s(x);
This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.
Given an array of Fields, returns the Pedersen hash.
fn pedersen(_input : [Field]) -> [Field; 2]
fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149] // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::pedersen(x);
This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.
Given an array of bytes (u8
), returns the resulting keccak hash as an array of 32 bytes ([u8; 32]
fn keccak256<N>(_input : [u8; N]) -> [u8; 32]
fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149] // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::keccak256(x);
This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.
Given an array of Fields, returns a new Field with the Poseidon Hash. Mind that you need to specify how many inputs are there to your Poseidon function.
// example for hash_1, hash_2 accepts an array of length 2, etc
fn hash_1(input: [Field; 1]) -> Field
fn main()
let hash1 = std::hash::poseidon::bn254::hash_2([1, 2]);
constrain hash1 == 0x115cc0f5e7d690413df64c6b9662e9cf2a3617f2743245519e19607a4417189a;
mimc_bn254 and mimc
is mimc
, but with hardcoded parameters for the BN254 curve. You can use it by
providing an array of Fields, and it returns a Field with the hash. You can use the mimc
method if
you're willing to input your own constants:
fn mimc<N>(x: Field, k: Field, constants: [Field; N], exp : Field) -> Field
otherwise, use the mimc_bn254
fn mimc_bn254<N>(array: [Field; N]) -> Field
fn main() {
let x = [163, 117, 178, 149] // some random bytes
let hash = std::hash::mimc_bn254(x);
fn hash_to_field<N>(_input : [Field; N]) -> Field {}
Calculates the blake2s
hash of the inputs and returns the hash modulo the field modulus to return a value which can be represented as a Field
This is a black box function. Read this section to learn more about black box functions in Noir.