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Version: 0.7.1 / 0.8.0


For convenience, the STD provides some ready-to-use, common methods for arraysmigrationnote:


Returns the length of an array

fn len<T, N>(_array: [T; N]) -> comptime Field


fn main() {
let array = [42, 42];
assert(array.len() == 2);


Returns a new sorted array. The original array remains untouched. Notice that this function will only work for arrays of fields or integers, not for any arbitrary type. This is because the sorting logic it uses internally is optimized specifically for these values. If you need a sort function to sort any type, you should use the function sort_via described below.

fn sort<T, N>(_array: [T; N]) -> [T; N]


fn main() {
let arr = [42, 32];
let sorted = arr.sort();
assert(sorted == [32, 42]);


Sorts the array with a custom comparison function

fn sort_via<T, N>(mut a: [T; N], ordering: fn(T, T) -> bool) -> [T; N]


fn main() {
let arr = [42, 32]
let sorted_ascending = arr.sort_via(|a, b| a < b);
assert(sorted_ascending == [32, 42]); // verifies

let sorted_descending = arr.sort_via(|a, b| a > b);
assert(sorted_descending == [32, 42]); // does not verify


Applies a function to each element of the array, returning a new array containing the mapped elements.

fn map<U>(f: fn(T) -> U) -> [U; N]


let a = [1, 2, 3];
let b =|a| a * 2); // b is now [2, 4, 6]


Applies a function to each element of the array, returning the final accumulated value. The first parameter is the initial value.

fn fold<U>(mut accumulator: U, f: fn(U, T) -> U) -> U

This is a left fold, so the given function will be applied to the accumulator and first element of the array, then the second, and so on. For a given call the expected result would be equivalent to:

let a1 = [1];
let a2 = [1, 2];
let a3 = [1, 2, 3];

let f = |a, b| a - b;
a1.fold(10, f) //=> f(10, 1)
a2.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(10, 1), 2)
a3.fold(10, f) //=> f(f(f(10, 1), 2), 3)


fn main() {
let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
let folded = arr.fold(0, |a, b| a + b);
assert(folded == 10);


Same as fold, but uses the first element as starting element.

fn reduce<T, N>(f: fn(T, T) -> T) -> T


fn main() {
let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
let reduced = arr.reduce(|a, b| a + b);
assert(reduced == 10);


Returns true if all the elements satisfy the given predicate

fn all<T, N>(predicate: fn(T) -> bool) -> bool


fn main() {
let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2];
let all = arr.all(|a| a == 2);


Returns true if any of the elements satisfy the given predicate

fn any<T, N>(predicate: fn(T) -> bool) -> bool


fn main() {
let arr = [2, 2, 2, 2, 5];
let any = arr.any(|a| a == 5);

  1. Migration Note: These methods were previously free functions, called via std::array::len(). For the sake of ease of use and readability, these functions are now methods and the old syntax for them is now deprecated.