Working with TypeScript
Interactions with Noir programs can also be performed in TypeScript, which can come in handy when writing tests or when working in TypeScript-based projects like Hardhat.
You can check the complete code for this tutorial here: browser with next.js and node.js. If you want just a browser boilerplate to start with, check out the noir-starter for an example implementation.
You may find unexpected errors working with some frameworks such as vite
. This is due to the
nature of wasm
files and the way Noir uses web workers. As we figure it out, we suggest using
Create React App, or Next.js for a quick
Make sure you are using Noir version >= 0.10.1.
You can check your current version by running nargo --version
You can install version 0.10.1 with noirup with
noirup -v 0.10.1
See the Installation page for more info.
We're assuming you're using ES6 and ESM for both browser (for example with React), or nodejs. Install Node.js. Init a new project with npm init
and add "type": "module"
to your package.json
, to let node
know we're using the new ESM sytem:
"type": "module"
// the rest of your package.json
Install Noir dependencies in your project by running:
npm i @aztec/bb.js@0.3.6 fflate ethers@5.7.2
This will install the acvm-simulator
that will generate our witness, and the proving backend barretenberg bb.js
We're also installing ethers
because we're too lazy to write a function that pads public inputs with 32bytes, and fflate
to help us decompress our circuit bytecode.
Since we're with typescript and using nodejs
types, we also recommend to install the @types/node
package, otherwise your IDE will scream at you.
npm i --save-dev @types/node
While Noir is in rapid development, some packages could interfere with others. For that reason, you should use these specified versions. Let us know if for some reason you need to use other ones.
As for the circuit, run nargo init
to create a new Noir project.
We will use a Standard Noir Example and place it in the src
folder. This program simply multiplies input x
with input y
and returns the result z
. The verifier doesn't know the value of x
: we're proving that we know it without making it public.
// src/
fn main(x: u32, y: pub u32) -> pub u32 {
let z = x * y;
One valid scenario for proving could be x = 3
, y = 4
and return = 12
In order to start proving, we need to compile our circuit into the intermediate representation used by our backend. As of today, you have to do that with nargo
. Just hop to your circuits folder and run nargo compile
At this time, you need to use a nightly version of nargo. Using noirup you can do this simply by running noirup -n
You should have a json
file in target/
with your circuit's bytecode. The json file is name based on the project name specified in Nargo.toml, so for a project named "test", it will be at target/test.json
. You can then import that file normally.
import circuit from '../target/test.json' assert { type: 'json' };
Decompressing the circuit
The compiled circuit comes compressed. We need to decompress it, that's where fflate
comes in.
import { decompressSync } from 'fflate';
const acirBuffer = Buffer.from(circuit.bytecode, 'base64');
const acirBufferUncompressed = decompressSync(acirBuffer);
From here, it's highly recommended you store acirBuffer
and acirBufferUncompressed
close by, as they will be used for witness generation and proving.
Initializing ACVM and BB.JS
This step will eventually be abstracted away as Noir tooling matures. For now, you should be fine just literally copy-pasting most of this into your own code.
Before proving, bb.js
needs to be initialized. We need to import some functions and use them
import { Crs, newBarretenbergApiAsync, RawBuffer } from '@aztec/bb.js/dest/node/index.js';
const api = await newBarretenbergApiAsync(4);
const [exact, circuitSize, subgroup] = await api.acirGetCircuitSizes(acirBufferUncompressed);
const subgroupSize = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(circuitSize)));
const crs = await + 1);
await api.commonInitSlabAllocator(subgroupSize);
await api.srsInitSrs(new RawBuffer(crs.getG1Data()), crs.numPoints, new RawBuffer(crs.getG2Data()));
const acirComposer = await api.acirNewAcirComposer(subgroupSize);
We should take two very useful objects from here: api
and acirComposer
. Make sure to keep these close by!
On the browser, you also need to init the ACVM. You can do that by importing it and calling it like:
import initACVM, { executeCircuit, compressWitness } from '@noir-lang/acvm_js';
await initACVM();
// the rest of your code
Generating witnesses
Witness generation is what allows us to prove with arbitrary inputs (like user inputs on a form, game, etc). In this example, our input is a simple object with our circuit inputs x
, y
, and return z
(fun fact: the return value in Noir is actually a public input!). We're wrapping it in a function, so it can be conveniently called later on.
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // I'm lazy so I'm using ethers to pad my input
import { executeCircuit, compressWitness } from '@noir-lang/acvm_js';
async function generateWitness(input: any, acirBuffer: Buffer): Promise<Uint8Array> {
const initialWitness = new Map<number, string>();
initialWitness.set(1, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(`0x${input.x.toString(16)}`, 32));
initialWitness.set(2, ethers.utils.hexZeroPad(`0x${input.y.toString(16)}`, 32));
const witnessMap = await executeCircuit(acirBuffer, initialWitness, () => {
throw Error('unexpected oracle');
const witnessBuff = compressWitness(witnessMap);
return witnessBuff;
Finally, we're ready to prove with our backend. Just like with the witness generation, could be useful to wrap it in its own function:
async function generateProof(witness: Uint8Array) {
const proof = await api.acirCreateProof(
return proof;
Our backend should also be ready to verify our proof:
async function verifyProof(proof: Uint8Array) {
await api.acirInitProvingKey(acirComposer, acirBufferUncompressed);
const verified = await api.acirVerifyProof(acirComposer, proof, false);
return verified;
Now for the fun part
Let's call our functions, and destroy our API!
const input = { x: 3, y: 4 };
const witness = await generateWitness(input, acirBuffer);
console.log('Witness generated!');
const proof = await generateProof(witness);
console.log('Proof generated!');
await verifyProof(proof);
console.log('Proof verified!');
You can use this tsconfig.json. You can see the script here.
Verifying with Smart Contract
Alternatively, a verifier smart contract can be generated and used for verifying Noir proofs in TypeScript as well.
This could be useful if the Noir program is designed to be decentrally verified and/or make use of decentralized states and logics that is handled at the smart contract level.
This assumes you've already ran nargo codegen-verifier
, got your smart contract, and deployed it with Hardhat, Foundry, or your tool of choice. You can then verify a Noir proof by simply calling it.
Currently, bb.js
appends the public inputs to the proof. However, these inputs need to be fed separately to the verifier contract. A simple solution is to just slice them from the resulting proof, like this:
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // example using ethers v5
import artifacts from '../artifacts/circuits/contract/plonk_vk.sol/UltraVerifier.json'; // I compiled using Hardhat, so I'm getting my abi from here
const verifierAddress = '0x123455'; // your verifier address
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
const signer = this.provider.getSigner();
const contract = new ethers.Contract(verifierAddress, artifacts.abi, signer);
const publicInputs = proof.slice(0, 32);
const slicedProof = proof.slice(32);
await contract.verify(slicedProof, [publicInputs]);