Variables in noir can be declared mutable via the mut
keyword. Mutable variables can be reassigned
to via an assignment expression.
let x = 2;
x = 3; // error: x must be mutable to be assigned to
let mut y = 3;
let y = 4; // OK
The mut
modifier can also apply to patterns:
let (a, mut b) = (1, 2);
a = 11; // error: a must be mutable to be assigned to
b = 12; // OK
let mut (c, d) = (3, 4);
c = 13; // OK
d = 14; // OK
// etc.
let MyStruct { x: mut y } = MyStruct { x: a }
// y is now in scope
Note that mutability in noir is local and everything is passed by value, so if a called function mutates its parameters then the parent function will keep the old value of the parameters.
fn main() -> Field {
let x = 3;
x // x is still 3
fn helper(mut x: i32) {
x = 4;
Comptime Values
Comptime values are values that are known at compile-time. This is different to a witness which changes per proof. If a comptime value that is being used in your program is changed, then your circuit will also change.
Comptime is slightly different from Rust's const
. Namely, it is a bit more flexible in that normal functions can accept comptime parameters. For example, this is used to verify an array index is known at compile-time. Note that the "known at compile-time" here means "known after function inlining is performed while optimizing the program" and not "known during type-checking."
Below we show how to declare a comptime value:
fn main() {
let a: comptime Field = 5;
// `comptime Field` can also be inferred:
let a = 5;
Comptime variables can be mutuable, but must be known at compile time:
fn main(runtime_var: Field) -> pub Field {
let known_at_compile_time: comptime Field = 1;
// The next line will cause an error
let bad_var: comptime Field = runtime_var;
As runtime_var
is a argument to the circuit it cannot be known at compile time and so assigning it to a comptime variable should fail. A circuit's arguments is the only way in which non-comptime variables can enter the circuit (excluding brillig foreign calls).
Noir also supports global variables. However, they must be compile-time variables. If comptime
not explicitly written in the type annotation the compiler will implicitly specify the declaration
as compile-time. They can then be used like any other compile-time variable inside functions. The
global type can also be inferred by the compiler entirely. Globals can also be used to specify array
annotations for function parameters and can be imported from submodules.
global N: Field = 5; // Same as `global N: comptime Field = 5`
fn main(x : Field, y : [Field; N]) {
let res = x * N;
assert(res == y[0]);
let res2 = x * mysubmodule::N;
assert(res != res2);
mod mysubmodule {
use dep::std;
global N: Field = 10;
fn my_helper() -> comptime Field {
let x = N;
Why only local mutability?
Witnesses in a proving system are immutable in nature. Noir aims to closely mirror this setting without applying additional overhead to the user. Modeling a mutable reference is not as straightforward as on conventional architectures and would incur some possibly unexpected overhead.